D. Highlight report
The Highlight Report is the management product used by the project manager to provide the project board with a summary of the project’s status at regular intervals. This report includes information on current issues, risks, progress, and any deviations from the plan. It helps the project board stay informed without getting involved in day-to-day management.
A. Project log
The Project log is the management product that records all the issues, risks, and actions that are raised during the project. It provides a comprehensive overview of ongoing issues and their status, making it the primary document for the project manager to review when reporting to the project board on the status of project issues.
The Project log is where ongoing issues, risks, actions, and decisions are recorded throughout the project. It provides a comprehensive record of the project's progress, including any issues that need to be tracked and reported. Reviewing the project log allows the project manager to summarize the status of issues, actions taken, and any decisions made, which can then be reported to the project board.
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2 weeks, 4 days agoreplyonline
2 months agoKjennset
2 months, 4 weeks agoskillfulsatellite
3 months ago