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Exam PCNSE topic 1 question 463 discussion

Actual exam question from Palo Alto Networks's PCNSE
Question #: 463
Topic #: 1
[All PCNSE Questions]

Users have reported an issue when they are trying to access a server on your network. The requests aren't taking the expected route. You discover that there are two different static routes on the firewall for the server.

What is used to determine which route has priority?

  • A. The first route installed
  • B. Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
  • C. The route with the lowest administrative distance
  • D. The route with the highest administrative distance
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years ago
Selected Answer: C
In this case, the answer is C, but not really, because of administrative distance is for differents routing protocols, in the case os two static routes is the metric.
upvoted 6 times
Most Recent 1 week, 6 days ago
Selected Answer: A
Both static routes will have the same AD
upvoted 1 times
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: A
A. The first route installed When two static routes have the same Administrative Distance (AD) and are configured for the same destination, the first route installed will take priority.
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: A
First route. If the option of metric then it would be option C
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: C
I think they meant to say metric.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: C
I think the answer is C here
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
A I checked in our production and noticed that the preferred path is the one which installed first.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
I also think A is correct. AD not evaluated when comparing same protocol installed routes. https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA14u000000oMNgCAM&lang=en_US%E2%80%A9
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
There is a new question with a snippet of CLI route inputs that effectively ask this same question but instead of AD it is referencing the Metric value. So between two identical routes which will be installed comparing metrics.
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 1 week ago
That would make way more sense
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: C
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 4 months ago
Selected Answer: B
At the beginning I thought the answer was C, but it doesn't make sense because both routes are static routes. Then I found this: "If an interface is configured with more than one static route to a peer (the BFD session has the same source IP address and same destination IP address), a single BFD session automatically handles the multiple static routes. This behavior reduces BFD sessions. If the static routes have different BFD profiles, the profile with the smallest Desired Minimum Tx Interval takes effect." https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/9-1/pan-os-admin/networking/bfd/bfd-overview/bfd-for-static-routes So I believe the answer is B
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 8 months ago
Selected Answer: B
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 7 months ago
C from the above link: By default, static routes have an administrative distance of 10. When the firewall has two or more routes to the same destination, it uses the route with the lowest administrative distance. By increasing the administrative distance of a static route to a value higher than a dynamic route, you can use the static route as a backup route if the dynamic route is unavailable.
upvoted 3 times
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Updated link that still supports C as the more likely (same quote mentioned by the other reply): https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/11-0/pan-os-networking-admin/static-routes/static-route-overview
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 8 months ago
First its low administrative distance, then its chosen by higher metric. In this case they have the same administrative distance, it doesn't say if they have different metrics, assuming they do have the same metric then the answer would be B. I think the question and answers are not correct or worded properly. "By default, static routes have an administrative distance of 10. When the firewall has two or more routes to the same destination, it uses the route with the lowest administrative distance. By increasing the administrative distance of a static route to a value higher than a dynamic route, you can use the static route as a backup route if the dynamic route is unavailable." "You can configure a static route with a Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) profile so that if a BFD session between the firewall and the BFD peer fails, the firewall removes the failed static route from the RIB and FIB tables and uses an alternative route with a lower priority."
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: C
C is correct
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 1 month ago
It should be lower AD By default, static routes have an administrative distance of 10. When the firewall has two or more routes to the same destination, it uses the route with the lowest administrative distance. -https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/9-1/pan-os-admin/networking/static-routes/static-route-overview
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Wouldn't this be C? On that link it says "When the firewall has two or more routes to the same destination, it uses the route with the lowest administrative distance. By increasing the administrative distance of a static route to a value higher than a dynamic route, you can use the static route as a backup route if the dynamic route is unavailable."
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 8 months ago
Technically the answer would be 'metric'
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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