An organization is building a Bootstrap Package to deploy Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewalls into their AWS tenant. Which two statements are correct regarding the bootstrap package contents? (Choose two.)
The bootstrap package is stored on an AFS share or a discrete container file bucket.
The bootstrap.xml file allows for automated deployment of VM-Series firewalls with full network and policy configurations.
The /config, /content and /software folders are mandatory while the /license and /plugin folders are optional.
The init-cfg.txt and bootstrap.xml files are both optional configuration items for the /config folder.
The directory structure must include a /config, /content, /software and /license folders.
So many wrong answers on this site. Should be B and E:
Should be D and E.
You can leave a folder empty, but you must have all the \config, \content, \license, and \software folders. Bootstrap.xml and ini-cfg.txt are both stored in /config. If \config can be empty that makes D an option. B seems unlikely as bootstrap.xml is not mentioned anywhere in the instructions to Bootstrap the VM-Series Firewall on AWS
Changing my answer to B and E because of this document
"The bootstrap package must include the basic configuration in config/init-cfg.txt"
Though optional, bootstrap.xml "contains a complete configuration for the firewall."
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