CREATE PACKAGE pkg AS TYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, inc_pct NUMBER); PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ); END pkg; / CREATE PACAKGE BODY pkg AS PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ) AS BEGIN price_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * price_rec.inc_pct)/100; END calc_price; END pkg; / DECLARE 1_rec pkg. rec_typ; BEGIN 1_rec_price :=100; 1_rec.inc_pct :=50; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE BEGIN pkg. calc_price (:rec); END; USING IN OUT 1_rec; END;
CREATE PACKAGE pkg AS TYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, inc_pct NUMBER); END pkg; / CREATE PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT pkg. rec_typ) AS BEGIN price_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * price_rec.inc_pct)/100; END / DECLARE 1_rec pkg.rec_typ; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE BEGIN calc_price (:rec); END; USING IN OUT 1_rec (100, 50); END;
CREATE PACKAGE pkg AS TYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, inc_pct NUMBER); END pkg; / CREATE PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT pkg. rec_typ) AS BEGIN price_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * price_rec.inc_pct)/100; END ; / DECLARE 1_rec pkg. rec_typ; BEGIN 1_rec_price :=100; 1_rec.inc_pct :=50; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE BEGIN calc_price (1_rec); END;; END;
DECLARE TYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, inc_pct NUMBER); 1_rec rec-typ; PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ) AS BEGIN price_rec.price := price-rec.price+ (price_rec.price * price_rec.inc_pct)/100; END; BEGIN 1_rec_price :=100; 1_rec.inc_pct :=50; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE BEGIN calc_price (:rec); END; USING IN OUT 1_rec;
TYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (
price NUMBER,
inc_pct NUMBER
PROCEDURE calc_price (
price_rec IN OUT rec_typ
END pkg;
PROCEDURE calc_price (
price_rec IN OUT rec_typ
) AS
price_rec.price := price_rec.price + ( price_rec.price * price_rec.inc_pct ) / 100;
END calc_price;
END pkg;
rec pkg.rec_typ;
rec.price := 100;
rec.inc_pct := 50;
execute immediate 'BEGIN pkg.calc_price(:rec); END;' using in out rec;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('rec.price: ' || rec.price);
rec.price := 1000;
rec.inc_pct := 50;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('rec.price: ' || rec.price);
--execute immediate 'BEGIN pkg.calc_price(:rec); END;' using in out rec(100,50);
-- PLS-00308: this construct is not allowed as the origin of an assignment
--execute immediate 'BEGIN pkg.calc_price(:rec); END;';
-- ORA-01008: not all variables bound
A is the correct answer:
B- You cant use PL/SQL data types and record type into the USING clause;
C- Would be correct if you use in the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement a bind variable for the function call and if you use clause USING IN OUT; in this situation function calc_price needs an IN OUT parameter, so using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with a call to this function without a bind variable the compiler will give an error because it cant return the result into the IN OUT variable.
D- Here the USING clause of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE its using a RECORD type wich is forbidden (as an explanation for the A answer, wich is right, is good to use a record variable wich is create under a package, because it becomes an SQL type and can be calle from an SQL enviroment)
I verified in PL/SQL and ALL the sentences executes but all have error, the only who has less error is the B answer but the anonymous block has pragma error
No A is not a correct answer
Look at this :
DECLARE 1_rec pkg. rec_typ; BEGIN 1_rec_price :=100; 1_rec.inc_pct :=50;
Warning : 1_rec_price don't exist. The correct code is : 1_rec.price := 100;
So the correct answer is B
Next time take time to check Your opinion. There is no posibility to use l_rec(100,50) as IN OUT param)
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C (25%)
B (20%)
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