You are defining a data store in ODI metadata and want to add a primary key even if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog. How can you accomplish this? (Choose the best answer.)
You can add a primary key even if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog, by adding constraints on the data store.
You can add a primary key even if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog, by adding constraints to the data store diagram.
You cannot add a primary key if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog. You can flag only non-null conditions to be checked.
You cannot add a primary key if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog. You can reverse engineer only the existing constraints.
The correct answer should be A.You can add a primary key even if it does not physically exist on the related database catalog, by adding constraints to the data store. I am not sure what they mean by diagram but keys are added from expanding model tree>datastore tree> Constraints Node.
@k_Y this method is used to create alternate keys on data stores where you could possible define uniqueness on an alternate but still this is not primary key. In my opinion the answer is D
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