man i needed 7 minutes to this shit in my head haha...i had start over several times, so i guess i will move questions like that that to the end in the exam...
The answer is the letter D, you don't have to go far, both the initial value of the variable "i" and "j" receive the length -1 and the matrix is 2x2. As java indexes from 0 and length is 2, the first number to be printed is 4 which is in position [1][1] of the array and only the letter D has 4 as the first. Don't even waste time doing the rest, in the OCA test they put distractors just for you to spend more time on the question, and having additional time is like gold in this exam.
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6 months, 1 week agoiSnover
1 year, 3 months agoshivkumarx
1 year, 4 months ago