DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER; my_tab tab_type; BEGIN my_tab (1) :=1; END;
-- Reference to uninitialized collection
DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER; my_tab tab_type := tab_type(2);
dbms_output.put_line(my_tab(1)); --2
my_tab(1) :=55;
dbms_output.put_line(my_tab(1)); --55
-- Executes successfully
DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER; my_tab tab_type; BEGIN my_tab. EXTEND (2); my_tab (1) := 55; END;
-- Reference to uninitialized collection
DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER; my_tab tab_type; BEGIN my_tab := tab_type(); my_tab (1) := 55; END;
-- Subscript beyond count
The ANs E missing ";" "end;". Anyhow i check it and seems that the correct answers are BC.
The answer E could be fine if it was :
"DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER; my_tab tab_type := tab_type (2, NULL, 50); BEGIN my_tab.EXTEND (3, 2); END;"
and not
DECLARE TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER my_tab tab_type := tab_type (2, NULL, 50); BEGIN my_tab.EXTEND (3, 2);
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