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Exam 1z0-821 topic 1 question 177 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-821
Question #: 177
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-821 Questions]

alice is a user account used by Alice on a Solaris 11 system. sadmin is a role account on the same system.
Your task is to add the command /usr/sbin/cryptoadm to the Network management profile, so that Alice can execute it, while assuming the sadmin role.
Select the three activities necessary to accomplish this.

  • A. To the file /etc/security/prof_attr, add the line: Network Management: solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/cryptoadm:euid=0
  • B. To the file /etc/security/auth_attr, add the line:Network Management: solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/cryptoadm:euid=0
  • C. To the file /etc/security/exec_attr.d/local-entriies, add the line:Network Management: solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/cryptoadm:euid=0
  • D. Run the roles alice to ensure that alice may assume the role sadmin.
  • E. Run the command profiles sadmin to ensure that the role sadmin includes the network Management profile.
  • F. Run the command profiles alice to ensure that the Alice has permissions to access the Network management profile.
  • G. Run the command profiles "Network management" to ensure that the Network management profile includes the sadmin role.
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Suggested Answer: CDG 🗳️
C: /etc/security/exec_attr is a local database that specifies the execution attributes associated with profiles. The exec_attr file can be used with other sources for execution profiles, including the exec_attr NIS map and NIS+ table.
A profile is a logical grouping of authorizations and commands that is interpreted by a profile shell to form a secure execution environment.


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7 months, 1 week ago
G is wrong. You should be checking that the sadmin role has the "network Management" profile defined, not the opposite way round.
upvoted 1 times
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