Which two are valid considerations when leveraging the OIC connectivity agent for high availability on-premise environments? (Choose two.)
You cannot have more than two agent instances per agent group. Attempting to include a third agent instance in the same group during installation results in an error.
Each host on which the agent is installed must be configured on separate subnets assigned to the same OIC agent group.
You should install the connectivity agents on the same host as the target application, then specify different agent group identifiers for each agent during its installation.
You will need to have OIC ServiceDeployer role permissions in order to download and install the OIC on-premise connectivity agent.
The File Adapter is not supported in high availability environments. When using the File Adapter and if some groups have multiple instances, use a dedicated agent group (with one agent only).
AE is correct
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2 years, 1 month agohoangton
3 years, 5 months ago