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Exam 1z0-404 topic 1 question 28 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-404
Question #: 28
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-404 Questions]

What does the Session Border Controller do when the Adaptive Hosted NAT (HNT) feature is enabled?

  • A. It sends a periodic re-register command to each endpoint behind a NAT.
  • B. It creates a binding for the Address of Record (AOR) of an endpoint that is behind a NAT.
  • C. It creates a binding for the Address of Record (AOR) of an endpoint that is NOT behind a NAT.
  • D. It sends SIP OPTIONS at increasing intervals to test if an endpoint behind a NAT device is still reachable.
  • E. It sends ICMP PNGs to dynamically learn the binding time of an endpoint behind a NAT device.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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Highly Voted 5 months ago
The SBC is dynamically determining, for each endpoint, the logest "expires=" value (returned to it in the 200 OK) The test timer is initialized to the same value as the nat-interval (30 sec). The initial value chosen for the “Expires=” is the test timer value + 10 sec (=40 sec). Thirty seconds after sending the 200 OK, the SBC sends an unsolicited SIP message (It uses the OPTIONS method for that.) and waits for a SIP response (It is assumed that the firewall does not return any SIP response.). A SIP response is returned; therefore, the test is successful and a longer “Expires=” value will be attempted upon the next REGISTER request. Correct answer: D
upvoted 7 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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