View the exhibit and examine the structure of the products table. Examine the following code: Which statement is true when the procedure DELETE_DETAILS is invoked?
It executes successfully but no error messages get recorded in the DEBUG_OUTPUT table
It executes successfully and any error messages get recorded in the DEBUG_OUTPUT table.
It gives an error because PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION can be used only in packaged procedures.
It gives an error because procedures containing PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION cannot be called from the exception section.
The answer is correct. Explanation : Till the time a number value is passed to the procedure, it will not error out as if the row gets deleted it executes successfully. Even if the row is not deleted it is the case of '0 rows' deleted and still the procedure will execute successfully.
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1 year, 8 months agovobla
2 years, 6 months agoAnubhav244
4 years ago