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Exam 1z0-982 topic 1 question 8 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-982
Question #: 8
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-982 Questions]

The company would like to enable Financials, Workforce, and Project frameworks. They would like to plan and forecast the Project dimension in the Financials framework, as well as track employee utilization in the projects framework.
Which two actions must they take to ensure that the Project dimension is shared and the data integrated correctly across all three frameworks?

  • A. In the Projects framework, ensure that the Employee driver-based expense is enabled.
  • B. In the Workforce framework, rename one of the custom dimensions to "Project" and enable it
  • C. In the Financials framework, rename one of the custom dimensions to "Project" and enable it
  • D. In the Workforce framework, ensure that the granularity is at Employee or Employee and Job
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Suggested Answer: CD 🗳️
C: In Financials if you are enabling features for the first time, you must define all custom dimensions. You cant define these later.
D: Enable and configure Workforce. For integration with Projects, utilization is computed at the employee level, so on the Enable page, for Granularity, select either Employee or Employee and Job.
Oracle Cloud, Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, page 2-6 https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/pbcs_common/EPBCA/fin_enabling_financials_features_110xdb25742f.htm#EPBCA-GUID-2EAD222E-6ACB-4FC1-BB60-


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1 year, 7 months ago
A and D. The question says alrady Financials has a defined Project as dimension, and when setting projects please read below whay it states for driver based and employee Driver Based—Users enter drivers for expense calculations. When you do driver-based planning, expense is calculated using the predefined formulas, using standard rates and the expense drivers you enter. You can enable several expense driver types: Labor—Allows planners to calculate a variety of labor related costs, set start and end dates, plan the FTEs, and so on. You can also select additional options: Integration from Workforce—Brings in the labor codes from Workforce and rates for the codes. Employee—Allows for planning at the named employee level rather at the job level. Used for tracking employee utilization.
upvoted 1 times
4 years, 5 months ago
B and D are correct - Note:Entities are common across all modules. Ideally, import the entities all at one time. If you are integrating Financials with Projects, note that aggregated data for total projects is pushed to Financials. You do not need to add a Project dimension in Financials.
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5 years, 5 months ago
Correct answers are : B and D. In the Workforce Framework, rename one of the custom dimension to "Project" and enable it. In the Workforce Framework, ensure that the granularity is at Employee or Employee and Job.
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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