Review the zonestat command: zonestate - q physical - memory -R high -z -p -p "zones" 10 24h 60m Select the option that correctly describes the information that is displayed by this command.
It is a sample of dbzones physical memory usage taken every hour over a 24-hour period. Only the top 10 samplings of peak memory usage are displayed. All other utilization data is eliminated.
It is a sample of dbzones CPU, virtual memory, and networking utilization. Physical memory is executed from the report. The sampling is taken every 10 minutes over a 24-hour period and peak utilization id displayed each hour.
It is a sample of dbzones CPU, virtual memory, and networking utilization. Physical memory is executed from the report. The sampling is taken every 10 minutes over a 24-hour period and displayed each hour.
It is a sample of dbzones physical memory usage taken every 10 seconds and 24-hour period. Only peak virtual memory usage and CPU utilization are displayed each hour. All other Utilization data is eliminated.
It is a sample of dbzones physical memory usage taken every 10 seconds and 24-hour period. Only peak memory usage is displayed each hour. All other utilization data is eliminated.
Suggested Answer:D🗳️
* (Not A, B, C): interval (here 10 seconds): Specifies the length in seconds to pause between each interval report. * duration (here 24 h) * -R report[,report] (here high) Print a summary report. Print a summary report detailing the highest usage of each resource and zone during any interval of the zonestat utility invocation. high Note: The zonestat utility reports on the cpu, memory, and resource control utilization of the currently running zones. Each zone's utilization is reported both as a percentage of system resources and the zone's configured limits. The zonestat utility prints a series of interval reports at the specified interval. It optionally also prints one or more summary reports at a specified interval. The default output is a summary of cpu, physical, and virtual memory utilization. The -r option can be used to choose detailed output for specific resources.
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5 months, 3 weeks agokur41
4 years, 5 months ago