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Exam 1z0-062 topic 1 question 60 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-062
Question #: 60
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-062 Questions]

Which three statements are true about adaptive SQL plan management? (Choose three.)

  • A. It automatically performs verification or evolves non-accepted plans, in COMPREHENSIVE mode when they perform better than existing accepted plans.
  • B. The optimizer always uses the fixed plan, if the fixed plan exists in the plan baseline.
  • C. It adds new, bettor plans automatically as fixed plans to the baseline.
  • D. The non-accepted plans are automatically accepted and become usable by the optimizer if they perform better than the existing accepted plans.
  • E. The non-accepted plans in a SQL plan baseline are automatically evolved, in COMPREHENSIVE mode, during the nightly maintenance window and a
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Suggested Answer: ADE 🗳️
With adaptive SQL plan management, DBAs no longer have to manually run the verification or evolve process for non-accepted plans. When automatic SQL tuning is in COMPREHENSIVE mode, it runs a verification or evolve process for all SQL statements that have non-accepted plans during the nightly maintenance window. If the non-accepted plan performs better than the existing accepted plan (or plans) in the SQL plan baseline, then the plan is automatically accepted and becomes usable by the optimizer. After the verification is complete, a persistent report is generated detailing how the non-accepted plan performs compared to the accepted plan performance. Because the evolve process is now an AUTOTASK, DBAs can also schedule their own evolve job at end time.
* The optimizer is able to adapt plans on the fly by predetermining multiple subplans for portions of the plan.
* Adaptive plans, introduced in Oracle Database 12c, enable the optimizer to defer the final plan decision for a statement until execution time. The optimizer instruments its chosen plan (the default plan) with statistics collectors so that it can detect at runtime, if its cardinality estimates differ greatly from the actual number of rows seen by the operations in the plan. If there is a significant difference, then the plan or a portion of it will be automatically adapted to avoid suboptimal performance on the first execution of a SQL statement.


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2 years, 4 months ago
a,d,e Adaptive SQL Plan Management With adaptive SQL plan management, DBAs no longer have to manually run the verification or evolve process for non-accepted plans. When automatic SQL tuning is in COMPREHENSIVE mode, it runs a verification or evolve process for all SQL statements that have non-accepted plans during the nightly maintenance window. If the non-accepted plan performs better than the existing accepted plan (or plans) in the SQL plan baseline, then the plan is automatically accepted and becomes usable by the optimizer. After the verification is complete, a persistent report is generated detailing how the non-accepted plan performs compared to the accepted plan performance. Because the evolve process is now an AUTOTASK, DBAs can also schedule their own evolve job at end time. Unaccepted plans in a SQL plan baseline are automatically evolved during the nightly maintenance window and a persistent verification report is generated which means a DBA no longer has to manual evolve plans and they can go back days or weeks later and review what plans were evolved during each of the nightly maintenance windows. https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NEWFT/chapter12101.htm#NEWFT205
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4 years, 6 months ago
Check the documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NEWFT/chapter12101.htm#NEWFT205 Section: Adaptive SQL Plan Management The key of this is: COMPREHENSIVE mode
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