Examine this command, which executes successfully: cluster.addInstance(‘<user>@<host>:<port>’, {recoveryMethod: ‘clone’}) Which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
The account used to perform this recovery needs the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege.
A target instance must exist, then it will be provisioned with data from an instance already in the cluster and joined to the cluster.
InnoDB tablespaces outside the datadir are able to be cloned.
It is always slower than {recoveryMethod: ‘incremental’}.
A new instance is installed, initialized, and provisioned with data from an instance already in the cluster and joined to the cluster.
InnoDB redo logs must not rotate for the duration of the execution; otherwise, the recovery will fail.
sorry, keep changing my mind
A. true
B. False, target instance is not part of the cluster at first
C. True
D. false, Not always if there was no data in the first place.
E. True, initiated and previous node must exist.
F. False
A is right. Not E because is is already installed, just needs data copied.
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6 months, 3 weeks agomarklv
1 year, 3 months agoalemdba
1 year, 2 months agomarklv
1 year, 1 month ago