Which two are true about Data Guard Broker configuration parameter administration? (Choose two.)
Changes to database properties always result in immediate updates to initialization parameters in the SPFILE even when the configuration is disabled.
Changes to database properties that might result in changes to static initialization parameters may not be done using the Data Guard Broker.
Changes to database properties that might result in changes to dynamic initialization parameters may be done using the Data Guard Broker when the configuration is disabled.
An SPFILE must be used for all the databases in a configuration.
Changes to database initialization parameters cannot be done directly for properties that are controlled by the Data Guard Broker.
You must use a server parameter file (SPFILE) for initialization parameters.
When you set definitions or values for database properties in the broker configuration, the broker records the changes in the configuration file and also propagates the changes to the related initialization parameters in the server parameter file in the Data Guard configuration.
When the configuration is enabled, the broker keeps the database property values in the Data Guard configuration file consistent with the values of the database initialization parameters in the SPFILE.
Even when the configuration is disabled, you can update database property values through the broker. The broker retains the property settings (without validating the values) and updates the database initialization parameters in the SPFILE and the in-memory settings the next time you enable the broker configuration
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1 year, 3 months ago