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Exam 1z0-580 topic 1 question 1 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-580
Question #: 1
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-580 Questions]

What information would the "beadm list -ds" command output?

  • A. a list of all Bes
  • B. a list of the datasets and snapshot information for the active BE
  • C. a list of the datasets and snapshot information for all Bes
  • D. a list of the default sets
  • E. a list of BEs in machine readable format
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️
You can display information about snapshots, boot environments, and datasets that were created by the beadm command by using the beadm list subcommand.
The beadm list command output also displays boot environments that are created by the pkg command.
The beadm list command syntax is:
Syntax: beadm list [-a | [-ds] [-H] [BeName]
The command lists information about the existing boot environment. To view information for a specific boot environment, replace BeName with a boot environment name. If a specific boot environment is not specified, the command lists information about all boot environments. The default is to list boot environments without additional information.
-a Lists all available information about the boot environment. This information includes subordinate datasets and snapshots.
-d Lists information about all subordinate datasets that belong to the boot environment.
-s Lists information about the snapshots of the boot environment.
-H Prevents listing header information. Each field in the output is separated by a semicolon.
Reference: Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library, Listing Existing Boot Environments and Snapshots


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1 year, 2 months ago
I cleared my Oracle 1z0-580 by a score of 915/1000 and all the credit goes to Realexamcollection.com as it has all the resource available. And i also thanks to examtopics team help me to find it.
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B (20%)
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