Note: "fruits" is Raw use of parameterized class 'List',
issue with existing code:
the "new Comparator" needs to be typecast as
new Comparator<String>(){}, to have a valid override of
public int compare(String m, String n) {}
after if, we typecast fruit list, below will work:
-fruits.sort((m, n) -> n.compareTo(m));
-fruits.sort((String d, String e) -> (e.compareTo(d)));
-fruits.sort((a, b) -> {
return b.compareTo(a);
there is no right answer
new Comparator() -> new Comparator<String>()
even if
List fruit is a raw type list
List.of("banana", "orange", "apple", "lemon");
is an Unmodifiable List
so there is
on fruits.sort()
If 1st line is List<String> -> A will be correct answer.
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7 months, 1 week agoASPushkin
9 months, 2 weeks agod7bb0b2
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