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Exam 1z0-1072-21 All Questions

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Exam 1z0-1072-21 topic 1 question 21 discussion

Actual exam question from Oracle's 1z0-1072-21
Question #: 21
Topic #: 1
[All 1z0-1072-21 Questions]

You have multiple applications running on a compute instance that generate a large amount of log files. You have requirements for these log files to be retained for a total of 60 days: at least 15 days on the boot volume, and then an additional 45 days in any location.
What is the most cost-effective way to meet the 15-day boot volume retention requirement, and the 60-day total retention requirement?

  • A. Do not delete any logs but resize the boot volume of the instance every time additional space is needed.
  • B. Attach a block volume and use a script that moves log files older than 15 days to the new volume and deletes them completely after 60 days.
  • C. Terminate the instance while preserving the boot volume. Create a new instance from the boot volume and select a DenseIO shape to take advantage of local NVMe storage.
  • D. Create an object storage bucket and use a script that runs daily to move log files older than 15 days from the boot volume to the bucket. Create a lifecycle rule for the bucket to delete any logs over 60 days old.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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6 months ago
D. Create an object storage bucket and use a script that runs daily to move log files older than 15 days from the boot volume to the bucket. Create a lifecycle rule for the bucket to delete any logs over 60 days old.
upvoted 1 times
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B (20%)
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