Suggested Answer:CE🗳️
C: Prerequisites that must be met before the broker allows you to enable fast-start failover include: Enable Flashback Database and set up a fast recovery area on both the primary database and the target standby database. E: Introduced in 11g, snapshot standby allows the standby database to be opened in read-write mode. When switched back into standby mode, all changes made whilst in read-write mode are lost. This is achieved using flashback database, but the standby database does not need to have flashback database explicitly enabled to take advantage of this feature, thought it works just the same if it is. References:
C. Fast-Start Failover. TO reinstate the old database prymary
E. Snapshot Standby databases. Always to return the database to the restore point and then syncro
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1 year, 3 months agoJESUSBB
1 year, 9 months ago