Technically speaking, A and D will do it.
A answer for example
manage_ovs --bridge_name br0 --bond_name br0-up --interfaces eth0,eth1 --bond_mode active-backup update_uplinks
D answer
:Note: When a GUI configuration exists to achieve the desired configuration, use it. Don't use the CLI unless you can't accomplish your goal in the GUI.
According to
AHV Networking Best Practices link above.
For sure A
1) because as AOS 5.19 or newer is is possible to do it from PE and PC
2) in the below link there is a BIG WARNING saying that UPDATING ( key word like in question) the br0 will actually delete and create a new one with default configuration - which means destroying any other configuration that you have...
Update Prism Settings:
Access Prism (the Nutanix management interface).
Navigate to the Network Configuration section.
Update the Virtual Switch (vs0) configuration to use the Active-Active bond.
This change ensures that the CVM can utilize the increased bandwidth provided by the bonded network adapters.
I'm a little confused by this one. I know in the later versions of AHV (5.19+) updating the VS can be done via Prism, which is what I think this is referring to.
Looking at the following link, I believe the answer is D.
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