Which capability refers to the storage of VM data on the node where the VM is running and ensures that the read I/O does not have to traverse the network?
correct answer is C.
Data Locality
Being a converged (compute+storage) platform, I/O and data locality are critical to cluster and VM performance with Nutanix. As explained above in the I/O path, all read/write IOs are served by the local Controller VM (CVM) which is on each hypervisor adjacent to normal VMs. A VM’s data is served locally from the CVM and sits on local disks under the CVM’s control. When a VM is moved from one hypervisor node to another (or during a HA event), the newly migrated VM’s data will be served by the now local CVM. When reading old data (stored on the now remote node/CVM), the I/O will be forwarded by the local CVM to the remote CVM. All write I/Os will occur locally right away. AOS will detect the I/Os are occurring from a different node and will migrate the data locally in the background, allowing for all read I/Os to now be served locally. The data will only be migrated on a read as to not flood the network.
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A (35%)
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B (20%)
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