A customer has Metro Availability configured in Automatic Resume Mode between Site A and Site B. What happens to VMs if Primary Site A has full network failure?
Automatic protection domain promotion in Site B. VMs automatically restart in Site
VMs continue to run on Site A following an automatic disable of protection domains.
An administrator must unwitness in Site B and promote protection domains in Site B for VMs to restart
An administrator must promote protection domains in Site B for VMs to restart.
Should be D
1. Metro Availability Failure Process (no Witness)
In the event of either a primary site failure (the site where the Metro storage container is currently active) or the link between the sites going offline, the Nutanix administrator is required to manually disable metro availability and promote the target storage container on the remote (or current) site to Active
2. The question says "Automatic Resume" is configured, no Witness is in the place. Promote Site B (or Failover) has to be perform manually.
Should be answer D according to the link below following this scenario:
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3 months, 3 weeks agoRabbit414
3 months, 4 weeks ago