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Exam NSK300 topic 1 question 7 discussion

Actual exam question from Netskope's NSK300
Question #: 7
Topic #: 1
[All NSK300 Questions]

You just deployed and registered an NPA publisher for your first private application and need to provide access to this application for the Human Resources (HR) users group only.
How would you accomplish this task?

  • A. 1. Enable private app steering in the Steering Configuration assigned to the HR group.
    2. Create a new Private App.
    3. Create a new Real-time Protection policy as follows:

    Source = HR user group -

    Destination = Private App -
    Action = Allow
  • B. 1. Create a new private app and assign it to the HR user group.
    2. Create a new Real-time Protection policy as follows:

    Source = HR user group -

    Destination = Private App -
    Action = Allow.
  • C. 1. Enable private app steering in Tenant Steering Configuration.
    2. Create a new private app and assign it to the HR user group.
  • D. 1. Enable private app steering in the Steering Configuration assigned to the HR group.
    2. Create a new private app and assign it to the HR user group.
    3. Create a new Real-time Protection policy as follows:

    Source = HR user group -

    Destination = Private App -
    Action = Allow
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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5 months ago
Selected Answer: A
There is a mistake, you don't create a private APP and assign it to a group, you do it in the real time policy. You set up steering private apps in the HR group steering configuration. You create the private app, create the policy, create the group the app and allow, therefore the A not the D, the D says create the pp and assign it to a group that is not valid.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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