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Exam NS0-162 topic 1 question 65 discussion

Actual exam question from Netapp's NS0-162
Question #: 65
Topic #: 1
[All NS0-162 Questions]

After deploying an AFF A400, you want to deploy a storage virtual machine (SVM) to serve SMB data.

Which three conditions must exist in this scenario? (Choose three.)

  • A. You must synchronize the cluster time.
  • B. You must have a non-root aggregate in the online state.
  • C. You must have sufficient space for the root volume.
  • D. You must have configured the export policies.
  • E. You must have encryption enabled on the root volume.
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Suggested Answer: ABD 🗳️


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9 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: BCD
Correct answer is: B. You must have a non-root aggregate in the online state. C. You must have sufficient space for the root volume. D. You must have configured the export policies. If you remove B, C or D the solution won't work.
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: BCD
Option A (synchronize the cluster time) and option E (enable encryption on the root volume) are not necessarily required conditions for deploying an SVM to serve SMB data. They might be best practices or specific requirements in some cases, but they are not universal prerequisites for creating the SVM.
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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