Use the | (pipe) operator to separate multiple commands.
Use the let keyword to create variables.
Use the where keyword to filter results.
Use the project keyword to select specific columns.
Use the summarize keyword to group and aggregate data.
The syntax is:
Table_name | search "search term"
There are several versions of this question in the exam. The question has three possible correct answers:
1. search in (Event) "error"
2. Event | search "error"
3. Event | where EventType == "error"
Correct answer is B
There are several versions of this question in the exam. The question has three possible correct answers:
1. search in (Event) "error"
2. Event | search "error"
3. Event | where EventType == "error"
Its A*+from+Event+where+EventType+%3D%3D+%22error%22&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB1039GB1039&oq=select+*+from+Event+where+EventType+%3D%3D+%22error%22&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160l4.766j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
To view the error events from the "Event" table in Azure Log Analytics workspace "Workspace1," you should run the following query:
A. select * from Event where EventType == "error"
This query selects all records from the "Event" table where the EventType is equal to "error," allowing you to filter and view only the error events.
Note: Option B is not a valid Log Analytics query syntax, and options C and D use incorrect syntax for Log Analytics queries.
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