SIMULATION - You need to ensure that User2-1234578 has all the key permissions for KeyVault1234578. To complete this task, sign in to the Azure portal and modify the Azure resources.
Suggested Answer:See the explanation below.
You need to assign the user the Key Vault Secrets Officer role. 1. In the Azure portal, type Key Vaults in the search box, select Key Vaults from the search results then select KeyVault1234578. Alternatively, browse to Key Vaults in the left navigation pane. 2. In the key vault properties, select Access control (IAM). 3. In the Add a role assignment section, click the Add button. 4. In the Role box, select the Key Vault Secrets Officer role from the drop-down list. 5. In the Select box, start typing User2-1234578 and select User2-1234578 from the search results. 6. Click the Save button to save the changes.
Given answer is incorrect. Key Vault Secret Officer can only manage secrets in the key vault. Hence we have to assign Key Vault Crypto officer role to manage the keys in the key vault. Tested in lab.
The Key Vault Administrator role should be assigned to a user to manage all key permissions for Azure Key Vault. This role provides the following capabilities:
1. Perform all data plane operations on a key vault and all objects in it, including keys, secrets, and certificates.
2. Manage key permissions, secret permissions, and certificate permissions.
3. Cannot manage key vault resources or manage role assignments.
You could use both, but for RBAC I think you might need a custom role (Unless Admin has all rights). The easies approach would be to set a policy where you check all the operations, thus giving all rights on KV.
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