B. Set the planned order to Completed. - Changing the status to "Completed" (e.g., via Planned orders > Maintain > Change status) marks the order as finalized without firming it into an actual order.
Why not D. Change the status to Approved ? -> - Setting the status to "Approved" indicates the planned order is ready for firming or further action.
i would say approved, because completed is treated like unprocessed and will be deleted in the next MRP run, so you cannot compare any manual orders against it..
Correct answer is B!
In the planned orders form, if you hover over the status see: Completed – planned purchase or works orders that you have processed but have not approved for firming.
The intention is to not firm the orders.
"If you decide not to firm a planned order, you can give it a status of Completed."
Yes, it should be Approved and not completed.
If you decide not to firm a planned order, you can give it a status of Completed.
If you want to firm a planned order, you can change the status to Approved. Planned orders with Approved status are respected by master planning, so they are not modified or deleted during a later master planning run. To achieve this, the planning logic copies the Approved planned orders from the old plan version to the new plan version during master planning.
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