Is this typo mistake? Should be decryption, right?
Encryption is a process of converting normal data into an unreadable form.
Decryption is a method of converting the unreadable/coded data into its original form.
I thought the same. But in the guestion it says “to viewers that have the appropriate key”. So keyword is the word “KEY”.
Encryption is a means of securing digital data using one or more mathematical techniques, along with a password or "key" used to decrypt the information.
Decryption is a process that transforms encrypted information into its original format. To do this, parties to a private conversation use an encryption scheme, called an algorithm, and the keys to encrypt and decrypt messages.
La réponse est correct, car l'encryption permet à celui qui a la clé de déchiffrement de pouvoir lire le le texte dit "a file makes the data in the file readable an usable to viewers that have the appropriate key"
I don't understand why Decryption is an answer. Decryption can't happen without encryption. You all should read and repeat the sentence several times. Encryption is the method to make the file readable to people that have an appropriate key. I don't see any reason why Decryption is an answer. It must be ENCRYPTION.
Archiving, Compressing, Dedulicating are all irrelevant.
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