You have an Azure subscription that is linked to an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant. From the Azure portal, you register an enterprise application. Which additional resource will be created in Azure AD?
Answer: A, a service principal
Reason: When you register an enterprise application in Azure AD through the Azure portal, a service principal is automatically created. This service principal acts as the security identity for the application, defining what the application can access in your Azure AD tenant and what permissions it has.
A is the answer.
If you register an application in the portal, an application object and a service principal object are automatically created in your home tenant.
I think the given answer is correct -
ll applications that get registered in AAD, in the tenant, two types of objects get created once the app registration is done.
Application Object
Service Principal Object
Refer -
I guess "a managed identity" is answer here because application object and service principle object are not resource of AAD.but a managed identity is tied up all the way with a azure AD resource.
I think this answer is wrong as the a managed identity manages the creation and automatic renewal of a service principal on your behalf. The question asks "which additional resource WILL BE CREATED in Azure AD", which means that you won't be creating that identity, but Azure will be doing that for you. Therefore, that means that the resource created is a managed identity, a system-managed identity to be more precise.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.
"There is no way to directly create a service principal using the Azure portal. When you register an application through the Azure portal, an application object and service principal are automatically created in your home directory or tenant."
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