You have an Azure DNS zone named You need to delegate a subdomain named to a different DNS server in Azure. What should you do?
Create an NS record named research in the zone.
Create a PTR record named research in the zone.
Modify the SOA record of
Create an A record named *.research in the zone.
Correct Answer: A
An NS record or (name server record) tells recursive name servers which name servers are authoritative for a zone. You can have as many NS records as you would like in your zone file. The benefit of having multiple NS records is the redundancy of your DNS service.
You need to create a name server (NS) record for the zone.
A. Create an NS record named research in the zone.
To delegate a subdomain named to a different DNS server in Azure, you should create an NS (Name Server) record named "research" in the zone.
The NS record is used to delegate authority for a subdomain to a different set of name servers. By creating an NS record named "research" in the zone and specifying the name server(s) for the subdomain, you can delegate the management of the subdomain to the specified DNS server(s) in Azure.
A. Create an NS record named research in the zone.
To delegate a subdomain named to a different DNS server in Azure, you need to create an NS (name server) record in the DNS zone that specifies the name of the DNS server that will handle the subdomain.
To do this, you can follow these steps:
1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the DNS zone.
2. Under Settings, select NS records.
3. Click Add NS record to add a new NS record.
4. In the Record name field, enter "research".
5. In the FQDN of name server field, enter the FQDN of the DNS server that will handle the subdomain.
6. Click Add to create the NS record.
Once the NS record is created, any DNS queries for will be forwarded to the DNS server specified in the NS record.
A) " Create an NS record named research in the zone."
A record - The record that holds the IP address of a domain.
AAAA record - The record that contains the IPv6 address for a domain (as opposed to A records, which list the IPv4 address).
CNAME record - Forwards one domain or subdomain to another domain, does NOT provide an IP address.
MX record - Directs mail to an email server. Learn more about the MX record.
TXT record - Lets an admin store text notes in the record. These records are often used for email security.
NS record - Stores the name server for a DNS entry.
SOA record - Stores admin information about a domain.
SRV record - Specifies a port for specific services.
PTR record - Provides a domain name in reverse-lookups.
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