Azure Service Health should be correct answer, because:
Azure Status = status of Azure globally
Azure Service Health = View of Azure services and regions you are using [services and regions keywords!]
Resource Health = Tailored view of your actual Azure resources
Copilot: Resource Health Shows issues affecting the health of individual resources like VMs, storage accounts, etc.; Service Health Displays issues affecting the availability of Azure services in regions and subscriptions, Status Shows the current status of Azure services across all regions, including outages and maintenance
So the answer is Status.
since the question does not specify "your" services or region, it is fair to assume it is referring to global, so the published answer "Assure Status" seems right - Refer link - - Azure status page shows the current impact of an active event on the entirety of Azure. Use Azure Service Health to see view other issues that may be impacting your services.
After watch an video comparing of the Azure Status page, Azure Service Health, and Azure Resource Health , I would think the answer is Azure Status would be more suitable as the question doesn't mention globally or your Azure resources.
Given that the question is simply about providing a health overview of Azure services and regions without specifying personalization, Azure Status would be a suitable choice.
It even says
"Azure status provides you with a global view of the health of Azure services and regions"
on the doc mentioned below here.
Going for Azure status
It's definitely Azure status, as the keyword here is "overview of Azure services and regions".
above link has this below ,
The Azure status page, however, doesn’t show all information about the health of your Azure services and regions. The status page isn’t personalized, so you need to know exactly which services and regions you’re using and locate them in the grid. The status page also doesn’t include information about non-outage events that could affect your availability. For example, planned maintenance events and health advisories (think service retirements and misconfigurations). Finally, the status page doesn’t have a means of notifying you automatically in the event of an outage or a planned maintenance window that might affect you.
For all of these use cases, we created Azure Service Health.
The correct answer should be 'Azure status"
Azure status provides you with a global view of the health of Azure services and regions.
Azure status provides you with a global view of the health of Azure services and regions.
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