uploaded testing data must be A collection (.zip) of either .wave +.txt (if samples and transcripts are available)or .wave/.mp3 (if samples only available)
in both cases must be .zip
wrong answer
as per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/speech-service/professional-voice-create-consent?pivots=speech-studio
file should be .wave or .mp3
Based on the Azure AI documentation, the correct option for creating a voice talent profile for a custom neural voice is:
C. a .wav or .mp3 file of the voice talent consenting to the creation of a synthetic version of their voice.
This is because the documentation specifies the need for a recording of the voice talent's consent statement, acknowledging the use of their voice recordings by a specified company to create and use a synthetic version of their voice
here we are requested to add a new voice talent profile. So a consent statement is needed.
zip is not allowed. only wav & mp3.
And made synthetic. =C
follow the pictures very carefully.
The correct answer is A! From the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/speech-service/how-to-custom-voice-training-data
Follow these guidelines when preparing audio.
Property Value
File format RIFF (.wav), grouped into a .zip file
File name File name characters supported by Windows OS, with .wav extension.
The characters \ / : * ? " < > | aren't allowed.
It can't start or end with a space, and can't start with a dot.
No duplicate file names are allowed.
Sampling rate When creating a custom neural voice, 24,000 Hz is required.
Sample format PCM, at least 16-bit
Audio length Shorter than 15 seconds
Archive format .zip
Maximum archive size 2048 MB
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