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Exam 202-450 topic 1 question 88 discussion

Actual exam question from LPI's 202-450
Question #: 88
Topic #: 1
[All 202-450 Questions]

In order to prevent all anonymous FTP users from listing uploaded file names, what security precaution can be taken when creating an upload directory?

  • A. The directory must not have the execute permission set.
  • B. The directory must not have the read permission set.
  • C. The directory must not have the read or execute permission set.
  • D. The directory must not have the write permission set.
  • E. The directory must not contain other directories.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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6 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
B is correct! Only anonymous users for uploading need in this case Write and Execution options which are w+e=2+1=3 that means Anonymous users can not see the content of the directory but have permission to access the directory (executive permission 1) as well as write (write permission 2) -> just uploading To allow anonymous users to upload, it is recommended that a write-only directory be created within /var/ftp/pub/. To do this, type: mkdir /var/ftp/pub/upload Next change the permissions so that anonymous users cannot see what is within the directory by typing: chmod 730 /var/ftp/pub/upload A long format listing of the directory should look like this: drwx-wx— 2 root ftp 4096 Feb 13 20:05 upload Additionally, under vsftpd, add the following line to the /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file: anon_upload_enable=YES Because FTP passes unencrypted usernames and passwords over insecure networks for authentication, it is a good idea to deny system users access to the server from their user accounts. To disable user accounts in vsftpd, add the following directive to /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf: local_enable=NO
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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