The SSID name "WIFIlol" make me laugh .
I suppose that it does NOT exist in any environment (because not previously explicited)
So the command in C is correct, but it result in an error because the WIFIlol will never respond and even if it does exist it should ask for a password before to connect and activate.
That's why my choice is E
I C... I am more inclined to go with C and here is why but must first admit this is crab question..i think it is there to make sure no one gets 100%
Reason i say C, i had tested it on local laptop and prompts me with password and once entered correctly it activates and establishes WIFI connections
BUT also those who say D are correct too because if the WIFI connection or the SSID does NOT exist then it will throw error such as "Error: No network with SSID xxxx found" where xxx can be any fictitious name you make up. Those who are saying D is ONLY because they are assuming the SSID does not exist? How do they know?! it is like chicken and the Egg which one came first SSID exists and ready or NOT
C is correct
Man nmcli
wifi connect (B)SSID [password password] [wep-key-type {key | phrase}] [ifname ifname] [bssid BSSID] [name name] [private {yes | no}] [hidden {yes | no}] Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID. The command finds a matching connection or creates one and then activates it on a device. This is a command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. If a connection for the network already exists, it is possible to bring up (activate) the existing profile as follows: nmcli con up id name. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networks are supported if no previous connection exists. It is also assumed that IP configuration is obtained via DHCP.
The only correct answer is D, not C
Just tested it on Ubuntu on my wifi adapter:
root@ubuntu:~# nmcli device wifi connect WIFIoI
Error: No network with SSID 'WIFIoL' found.
Checked the man page. It should be C. If it's throwing an error it might be something specific to your computer or distro. See here:
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