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Exam 300-100 topic 1 question 44 discussion

Actual exam question from LPI's 300-100
Question #: 44
Topic #: 1
[All 300-100 Questions]

After adding a remote CIFS share to /etc/fstab, the share is mounted to the correct location in the file system. There, all files belong to the user and group root and are not readable or writable by any other users on the system. What should be done in order to permit distinct local user access to the mounted files?

  • A. The option root squash = yes should be added to the share in the Samba server's smb.conf to allow full access by the client.
  • B. The mount.cifs options uid, gid, file_mode and dir_mode should be used to specify the ownership and permissions of the mount.
  • C. The user should be added to the local user group smbusers, as mount.cifs by default restricts access to all CIFS mounts to member of this group in addition to the root account.
  • D. The mount.cifs command should always be executed by user who will use the mount afterwards. The user should be granted the required permission in / etc/sudoers.
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4 years, 8 months ago
B. it mounted with the wrong user so we need to change that. [Wrong: adding a user to some group, that has no access to the share will not help. and will not change permissions/ownership of the share. ]
upvoted 2 times
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B (20%)
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