A zone file contains the following lines: and is included in the BIND configuration using this configuration stanza: Which problem is contained in this configuration?
The zone statement is the BIND configuration must contain the cross-zone-data yes; statement.
The zone cannon contain records for a name which is outside the zone's hierarchy.
The $ORIGIN declaration cannot be used in zone files that are included for a specific zone name in the BIND configuration.
An A record cannot contain an IPv4 address because its value is supposed to be a reverse DNS name.
Names of records in a zone file cannot be fully qualified domain names.
The problem in this configuration is:
B. The zone cannot contain records for a name which is outside the zone's hierarchy.
In this configuration, the zone is defined for "example.com," but the record "host2.example.org" is included in the zone. The record "host2.example.org" is outside the zone's hierarchy, as it belongs to the "example.org" domain, not "example.com." This is a misconfiguration in the zone file.
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