Which umask value ensures that new directories can be read, written and listed by their owning user, read and listed by their owning group and are not accessible at all for everyone else?
written and listed by their owning user => 7 => umask 0
read and listed by their owning group => 5 => umask 2
not accessible at all for everyone else => 0 => umask 7
=> umask 0027, answer is B
777 for directories
666 for files
written and listed by their owning user => 7
read and listed by their owning group => 5
not accessible at all for everyone else => 0
777 - 750 = 027
Answer is B. 0027
The leading '0' means we're specifying the umask in octal (base 8).
The '2' in the first position subtracts write permissions for "others" (everyone else).
The '7' in the second position subtracts read, write, and execute permissions for the group.
The '2' in the third position subtracts write permission for the user.
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