The correct answer ist A:
root@ubuntu:/home/worker1# cat permissionscheck.txt
root@ubuntu:/home/worker1# sed s/[ABC][abc]/xx/ permissionscheck.txt
Ubuntu:~$ cat file1
Ubuntu:~$ sed "s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/" < file1
The answer is D. There is a space between the [ABC] [abc]. If there was no space, then the answer would be A.
The regular expression s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/ attempts to match a single character from the set [ABC] (i.e., A, B, or C), followed by a space, and then another single character from the set [abc] (i.e., a, b, or c).
In the given string ABCabc, there is no occurrence where a space follows a character from the set [ABC]. Therefore, the regular expression doesn’t find any matches within the string, resulting in no changes to the original string.
Hence, the output remains the same as the input string: ABCabc.
It's possible that you interpreted the regular expression as if it was being executed with single or double quotes, which could explain the discrepancy in the answer. In a context where the regular expression is executed with single or double quotes, the answer "A. ABxxbc" could be correct, as the regular expression "s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/" would look for an uppercase letter from "A" to "C", followed by a space, followed by a lowercase letter from "a" to "c", and replace it with "xx". However, in a context where single or double quotes are not required to execute the regular expression, the correct answer remains option "B. xxCxxc", as mentioned earlier. It's important to note that the execution of a regular expression can depend on the context and the parameters used, and there may be multiple correct answers.
in the question statement, it is not specified in what context the regular expression is being used, so it is assumed that it is used in a context where single or double quotes are not required. Therefore, the correct answer remains option "B. xxCxxc", as it is the result of applying the regular expression "s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/" to the string "ABCabc -"
I just realized that the question does not have quotes around s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/ so it returns error "sed: -e expression #1, char 7: unterminated `s' command", which means the question currently has an error.
Running the command without quotes or a space returns "ABxxbc", so I don't know which one is correct.
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "ABCabc" | sed s/[ABC][abc]/xx/ <--- no space, no quotes
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "ABCabc" | sed s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/ <--- with space, no quotes
sed: -e expression #1, char 7: unterminated `s' command
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "ABCabc" | sed "s/[ABC] [abc]/xx/" <--- with space, with quotes
So either A or D depending if there's a typo or not.
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