Page 82: To track and manage improvement ideas... oeganizations use a database or structured document called CIR.
I think it's not C because how you can manage future ideas?
I would say C:
A continual improvement register is used to track and manage improvement ideas from identification through to final action. It provides a structured and systematic approach to identifying, recording, and prioritizing improvement opportunities, as well as tracking progress and outcomes. The register is used to organize past, present, and future improvement ideas, and to ensure that they are reviewed, evaluated, and acted upon in a consistent and transparent manner.
The text states that: "To track and manage improvement ideas from identification through to final action, organizations use a database or a structured document called a CIR" (5.1.2, pg. 82).
Since the text doesn't necessarily mention the implementation of the improvements, but more so managing and tracking, I think this would best be categorized as an organizing effort. Therefore, I believe the correct answer is C.
"The ITIL continual improvement model, which provides organizations with a structured approach to implementing improvements" and organizations use a database or a structured document called a CIR
A 'Continual Improvement Register' is used **C. To organize past, present, and future improvement ideas**²⁴. It is a tool used in IT Service Management to track and manage improvement initiatives³. The register captures all the processes and procedures that need to be followed about service delivery². It includes information about what is done before, during, and after an incident occurs for it to be handled as efficiently as possible². The register ensures that all ideas for improvement are captured and nothing is lost or forgotten about⁴. It helps identify areas for improvement, set goals, and monitor progress³. The register serves as a central repository for all improvement activities³.
To track and manage improvement ideas from identification through to final action, organizations use a database or structured document called a continual improvement register (CIR)
CIRs are used to constantly reprioritize improvement opportunities. The use of CIRs
provides additional value because they help to make things visible. This is not
limited to what is currently being done, but also to what is already complete and
what has been set aside for further consideration at a later date
The use of CIRs provides additional value because they help to make things visible. This is not limited to what is currently being done, but also to what is already complete and what has been set aside for further consideration at a later date.
It does not matter exactly how the information in a CIR is structured, or what the collections of improvement ideas are called in any given organization.
What is important is that improvement ideas are captured, documented, assessed, prioritized, and appropriately acted upon to ensure that the organization and its services are always being improved.
5.1.2 Continual Improvement - It does not matter exactly how the information is a CIR is structured (not A), or what the collection of improvement ideas are called in any given organization. What is important is that improvement ideas are captured, documented, (to include future ideas), etc...
"The purpose of the CSI register is to show how an organization can improve its service delivery by setting targets, assessing progress, and then adjusting accordingly."
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