Choosing Between Formal Processes and Detailed Procedures:
Formal processes serve as the overarching framework, while detailed procedures fit within those processes.
Use formal processes when you need a high-level structure to guide incident management consistently.
Use detailed procedures when specific actions require precise instructions.
B is correct
There should be a formal process for logging and managing incidents. This process does not usually include detailed procedures for how to diagnose, investigate, and resolve incidents, but can provide techniques for making investigation and diagnosis more efficient.
The 'incident management' practice should maintain a formal process for logging and managing incidents. This emphasizes the need for a structured approach to ensure that incidents are handled consistently and effectively.
Answer B:
“There should be a formal process for logging and managing incidents.” Ref 5.2.5
C is incorrect: “This process does NOT usually include detailed procedures for how to diagnose, investigate, and resolve incidents.” Ref 5.2.5
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