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Exam ITILFND V4 topic 1 question 185 discussion

Actual exam question from ITIL's ITILFND V4
Question #: 185
Topic #: 1
[All ITILFND V4 Questions]

What is the MAIN benefit of 'problem management'?

  • A. Restoring normal service as quickly as possible
  • B. Reducing the number and impact of incidents
  • C. Maximizing the number of successful changes
  • D. Managing workarounds and known errors
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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Highly Voted 3 years ago
B. The purpose of the problem management practice is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents, and managing workarounds and known errors.
upvoted 10 times
2 years, 9 months ago
Ans D is also included "managing workarounds and known errors."
upvoted 3 times
Most Recent 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
The purpose of the problem management practice is to reduce the lIKELIHOOD and impact: B is not the correct answer. Correct answer is D
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
The main benefit of 'problem management' is to reduce the number and impact of incidents over time. By identifying and managing the root causes of incidents, problem management aims to prevent future incidents from occurring and to minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented. This proactive approach is central to improving the overall reliability and performance of IT services.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Reducing the number and impact of incidents. The main benefit of 'problem management' is to identify and address the root causes of incidents in order to reduce their frequency and impact. By addressing underlying issues, organizations can prevent incidents from occurring repeatedly, leading to improved service reliability and reduced disruptions.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: B
The best answer is B. The question asks about a BENEFIT - that is a result or advantage. Managing workarounds and known errors is a work activity and not a direct result of benefit..
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 7 months ago
B is incorrect ... "reduce the likelihood of incidents" means reduce the probability of more incidents and not reducing the number of "existing" incidents ... D is 100 % correct "Managing workarouns and known erros"
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B is correct
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B is correct
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: B
The purpose of the problem management practice is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents, and managing workarounds and known errors.
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 5 months ago
"The purpose of the problem management practice is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents, and managing workarounds and known errors. So the main benefit of problem management is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents. Managing workarounds and known errors is one initiative to achieve that benefit."
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 6 months ago
Selected Answer: B
Although D is also a goal of problem management, A is the main.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 8 months ago
B is correct.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 9 months ago
B is correct. According to ITILv4 publication book, The Purpose of Problem Management is : 1-To reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents, 2-and managing workarounds and known errors. so the MAIN benefit of problem management is B
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 10 months ago
The answer is still B not D . B is the main benefit . The outcome of managing workarounds and known errors is to derive the benefit of "Reducing the number and impact of incidents"
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 10 months ago
@Rw3767 .. based on your own analysis the answer is still B not D . B is the main benefit . The outcome of managing workarounds and known errors is the derive the benefit of "Reducing the number and impact of incidents"
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 10 months ago
D is the correct answer. The question didn't ask what is problem management but what is the MAIN benefit
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 10 months ago
Obviously this is wrong, The purpose of the problem management practice is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents, and managing workarounds and known errors.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 10 months ago
The answer is still B not D . B is the main benefit . The outcome of managing workarounds and known errors is to derive the benefit of "Reducing the number and impact of incidents"
upvoted 2 times
2 years, 11 months ago
B is correct
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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