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Exam CTFL v4.0 topic 1 question 10 discussion

Actual exam question from ISTQB's CTFL v4.0
Question #: 10
Topic #: 1
[All CTFL v4.0 Questions]

You have been given the following story:

As a help desk worker -
I want to enter a caller’s birth date
So the system can display the caller’s account information
As a team, you have developed the following table of acceptance criteria:

You have developed the following test cases and will execute them in the specified order:
1. Enter a valid date and verify that the account retrieved matches the birth date entered.
2. Enter an invalid date and verify that the error indicates the date is invalid.
3. Verify that the date prompt is already formatted for the date with xx/xx/xx format.
4. Enter a valid date and verify that two pages of account information are readable.
5. Enter a valid date and verify that the response occurs within 2 seconds when the system is under an average load.
What is incorrect about this approach?

  • A. The security test case should be executed first as it is related to access control
  • B. The test cases should contain all steps required for execution, including navigation information and SQL statements required to perform the verification
  • C. The test cases are not being executed in the proper order
  • D. The test cases do not indicate the expected result
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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2 weeks, 2 days ago
Selected Answer: C
Testcase should be executed in a proper order.
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C (25%)
B (20%)
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