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Exam CTFL-2018 topic 1 question 47 discussion

Actual exam question from ISTQB's CTFL-2018
Question #: 47
Topic #: 1
[All CTFL-2018 Questions]

A supermarket rewards its customers with discounts on certain products depending on how much the customer spends over a twelve-month period. The discounts are:

• 5% discount – once £500 has been spent.
• 10% discount – once a further £500 has been spent.
• 15% discount – once a further £1000 has been spent.
• 20% discount – once a further £2000 has been spent.

The following test cases have been written:

TC1 – £500 spent -

TC2 – £2000 spent -

How many more test cases must be written to achieve 100% 2-point boundary value analysis for the discount scheme?

  • A. 4.
  • B. 6.
  • C. 7.
  • D. 8.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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8 months ago
, the partitions are determined by the ranges of total spend that correspond to each discount tier. Here’s how they break down: 5% Discount Tier: This is for customers who have spent between £0 and £500. So, the first partition is [0, 500]. 10% Discount Tier: This is for customers who have spent between £501 and £1000 (which is an additional £500 after reaching the 5% Discount Tier). So, the second partition is [501, 1000]. 15% Discount Tier: This is for customers who have spent between £1001 and £2000 (which is an additional £1000 after reaching the 10% Discount Tier). So, the third partition is [1001, 2000]. 20% Discount Tier: This is for customers who have spent £4001 and above (which is an additional £2000 after reaching the 15% Discount Tier). So, the fourth partition is [4001, ∞).
upvoted 1 times
10 months ago
501,1000,1001,2001,4000,4001 (500 and 2000 is included)
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 2 months ago
499, 1000. 1001, 2000, 2001, 4001
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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