To minimize the vulnerabilities of a web-based application, which of the following FIRST actions will lock down the system and minimize the risk of an attack?
locking down a system is just another weird cissp way of say hardening. One of the steps to hardening your system is having the latest security updates
A. Apply the latest vendor patches and updates.
Regularly applying patches and updates from the vendor is a fundamental security practice to address known vulnerabilities and security issues in software. It helps ensure that your web-based application is running the latest, most secure version of the software.
Our home computers are now more secure then work computers for this one simple reason. We get automatic updates...... unless you turned that off. Work computers can't say the samething! So, A
Option "A" does not "lock down the system". It only ensures some publicly known vulnerabilities and exploits are addressed. Reviewing access controls is the only way to lock down the system.
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