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Exam CISSP topic 1 question 57 discussion

Actual exam question from ISC's CISSP
Question #: 57
Topic #: 1
[All CISSP Questions]

An organization is setting a security assessment scope with the goal of developing a Security Management Program (SMP). The next step is to select an approach for conducting the risk assessment. Which of the following approaches is MOST effective for the SMP?

  • A. Security controls driven assessment that focuses on controls management
  • B. Business processes based risk assessment with a focus on business goals
  • C. Asset driven risk assessment with a focus on the assets
  • D. Data driven risk assessment with a focus on data
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: B
This is an easy one . The reason we conduct security assessments as part of developing a functional/relevant security program is to generate value to the stakeholders by ensuring that the identified risks to the BUSINESS are optimized and we are left with residuals . Other answers are tactical .As a cybersecurity leaders you must turn tactical observations into strategic insights but first must find out what business process / function is the cash cow or star player and then identify the assets , data etc that enable it and then get tactical and geek out with your security toys . This question wants to measure your business savvy, savvy ? lol
upvoted 27 times
Highly Voted 2 years, 5 months ago
Selected Answer: C
First step of Risk Assessment is to identify assets. https://sansorg.egnyte.com/dl/RFrVIbX2oc
upvoted 9 times
1 year, 9 months ago
C is correct
upvoted 1 times
Most Recent 2 months ago
Selected Answer: B
When developing a Security Management Program (SMP), the primary objective is to align security efforts with the organization’s overall business goals. A business process-based risk assessment ensures that the security strategies directly address and protect critical processes that are essential for achieving organizational objectives. This approach effectively identifies risks in the context of the organization's operations and priorities.
upvoted 2 times
2 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: C
first thing to do when conducting risk assessment is the identifications of assets , the data is included as an asset , then the control based risk assessment to make sure the security controls are implemented correctly when needed and the B choice it is rarely when security is being an important as business goal ,but thu it is not the first step as the question tells
upvoted 1 times
5 months, 3 weeks ago
This approach focuses on identifying and assessing risks that could impact the organization's ability to achieve its business goals. This is the most effective approach for developing a Security Management Program (SMP) because it ensures that security controls are aligned with the organization's strategic objectives.
upvoted 1 times
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: C
I agree with the majority in saying that everything needs to align with the business goals i.e., assets, security controls, etc. But I can't get my head around the idea that most risk management framework always starts with discovery and asset identification. You can't protect what you don't know. Now, this question is about the scope of security assessment, and the approach for conducting risk assessment. Personally, I would select a risk-based approach (but it's not an option) and that would just take you back to asset identification.
upvoted 1 times
7 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Security is protecting your crown jewels. What are your assets and why you have to protect them, what are th business goals you have driven. All ties to Assets first.
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
Security strategy needs to be in line with business strategy. Answer is B.
upvoted 2 times
11 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: B
The most effective approach for the Safety Management Program (SMP) is : B. Business process-based risk assessment with a focus on business objectives. This approach ensures that risk assessment is aligned with business objectives and needs, enabling risk management that directly supports the organization's strategic objectives. By focusing on business processes, the organization can better understand how security risks affect its operations, and make informed decisions to mitigate these risks appropriately.
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
ANSWER: B. Business processes based risk assessment with a focus on business goals https://www.ifc.org/content/dam/ifc/doc/mgrt/p-handbook-securityforces-2017.pdf https://policy.un.org/sites/policy.un.org/files/files/documents/2020/Oct/spm_-_chapter_iv_-_section_a_-_security_risk_management_2.pdf https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/962101606403107500/pdf/Security-Management-Plan-Emergency-Locust-Response-Program-P173702.pdf https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/099530109052230270/pdf/P1767580b5e94b07108eb00a05d98f790d1.pdf
upvoted 2 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Security SUPPORTS the Business Goal. Without the business, there is no security, who will be paying security? The Business Goal is most important, Security will support the Business Goal
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: B
I'm gonna say the business goals. It just says organization, not a for profit business, there are some situations like governments and nonprofits (and even some instances in normal for profit business) where you won't care about the assets as long as you're meeting the goal.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Answer C) Asset driven risk assessment with a focus on the assets Security management is the high-level process of cataloguing enterprise IT assets and developing the documentation and policies to protect them from internal, external, and cyber threats. https://www.hpe.com/us/en/what-is/security-management.html
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
B. Business processes based risk assessment with a focus on business goals. Think like a manager guys. It's always about the priorities of the business.
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: D
Considering the fact that most valuable assets for my business overtime is data. We can boil down to the most important consideration i.e. Data
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 4 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Business goals
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 4 months ago
The answer should be B An organization is setting a security assessment scope with the goal of developing a Security Management Program (SMP). The next step is to select an approach for conducting the risk assessment. Which of the following approaches is MOST effective for the SMP? A. Security controls driven assessment that focuses on controls management B. Business processes based risk assessment with a focus on business goals C. Asset driven risk assessment with a focus on the assets D. Data driven risk assessment with a focus on data
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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