Suggested Answer:A🗳️
Cryptographic keys should not be stored along with the data they secure, regardless of key length. We don't split crypto keys or generate redundant keys (doing so would violate the principle of secrecy necessary for keys to serve their purpose).
i agree that keys should not be stored with the data wthat they protect. But saying that they should not be stored wth the cloud provider is not true. Azure and other cloud providers offer key vaults. The vaults are seperate and distinct from the data that is protected They off integrations where the keys can be accessed from applications. In azure's case the appliications can be configured with permiison to read the key, certiificate. This offers means of enhancing security by creating a secure way of accessing keys, certificates, passwords or other secret without directly without exposing keys in code. This is a very usual feature in PaaS
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9 months, 2 weeks agoakg001
2 years, 6 months ago