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Exam CSSLP topic 2 question 36 discussion

Actual exam question from ISC's CSSLP
Question #: 36
Topic #: 2
[All CSSLP Questions]

Martha works as a Project Leader for BlueWell Inc. She and her team have developed accounting software. The software was performing well. Recently, the software has been modified. The users of this software are now complaining about the software not working properly. Which of the following actions will she take to test the software?

  • A. Perform integration testing
  • B. Perform regression testing
  • C. Perform unit testing
  • D. Perform acceptance testing
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Suggested Answer: ensure that no existing errors reappear, and no new errors are introduced. Answer: D is incorrect. The acceptance testing is performed on the application before 🗳️
Regression testing can be performed any time when a program needs to be modified either to add a feature or to fix an error. It is a process of repeating Unit testing and Integration testing whenever existing tests need to be performed again along with the new tests. Regression testing is performed to its implementation into the production environment. It is done either by a client or an application specialist to ensure that the software meets the requirement for more units are combined into a component. During integration testing, a developer combines two units that have already been tested into a component, and tests the interface between the two units. Although integration testing can be performed in various ways, the following three approaches are generally used: The top- application is tested separately. During unit testing, a developer takes the smallest unit of an application, isolates it from the rest of the application code, and tests it to determine whether it works as expected. Unit testing is performed before integrating these independent units into modules. The most common approach to unit testing requires drivers and stubs to be written. Drivers and stubs are programs. A driver simulates a calling unit, and a stub simulates a called unit.


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5 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Regression testing Regression testing is the process of retesting modified software to ensure that any previously working functionality has not been impacted by the changes made. This would allow her to identify and fix any issues associated with the recent modifications to the software. Additionally, performing integration testing and unit testing could also be helpful in identifying potential issues within specific components or interactions between different parts of the system. Finally, acceptance testing can validate whether or not the product meets user needs as opposed to strictly verifying code quality which would be covered under regressions, units or integrations tests.
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B (20%)
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