A business process owner (A) is the best option to calculate the recovery time and cost estimates because they have a deep understanding of the specific business processes and the systems and resources required to support those processes. They are in the best position to assess the impact of a disruption to the operations and determine the time and resources required to recover.
The business continuity coordinator (B) may provide oversight and guidance during the BIA process, but they may not have the same level of detail and understanding of the specific business processes as the business process owner.
The information security manager (C) may be involved in the BIA, but their focus is typically on the security of the systems and data, not the recovery time and cost estimates.
Senior management (D) may have an overall understanding of the organization's operations, but they typically do not have the technical knowledge and understanding of the specific business processes to perform the calculations for the recovery time and cost estimates.
Ideally is business process owner. I'm part of the BIA coordinator team design for a company, often the business owner will ask our help to calculate and advise accordingly. Eg, getting IT to run the recovery testing and calculate the cost, then gather all information and present to business owner. Been there few times, business owner will just review and reject/approve.
A. Business process owner
The business process owner is the individual or department responsible for the specific business process being analyzed in the BIA. They are the most knowledgeable about the process, its criticality, and the resources required for recovery. Therefore, they are typically best suited to provide input on recovery time and cost estimates.
When performing a business impact analysis (BIA), the responsibility for calculating recovery time and cost estimates typically lies with: A. Business process owner
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