A health insurance provider undertakes enhancements to its mobile application platform and finalizes the following capabilities as part of the scope of the next release:
I. Ability to integrate online maps and global positioning system (GPS) technology with the mobile application in real time to display location of service providers in the subscriber's vicinity that participate in the subscriber's plan network.
II. Ability for the subscriber to lookup the service providers by specifying either a postal code or a search area radius in miles.
III. Ability for the subscriber to initiate the download of fee information for one or more service providers in a single request.
Through requirements workshops the business analyst elicits the following detailed business requirements:
1. The company's mobile application platform must support real time integration with the following third party systems:
A ) GPS System -
B ) Postal Code Validation -
2. The service providers available for selection must participate in the subscriber's medical plan network as of the current system date.
3. The map display shall highlight the boundary of the search area with a dotted yellow line.
4. The extent and shape of the search area shall be determined based on one of the following user choices:
A ) Postal code "" Subscriber location acquired from GPS shall be used to determine and populate the related postal code as the default postal code with options for the user to change the postal code.
B ) Radius for the search area around the subscriber's location, that will have default value of 5 miles. The radius can be changed by the subscriber with a maximum range of 50 miles.
5. Subscriber shall be able to select one of the options above and supply corresponding input.
6. System shall validate the user input and display appropriate error messages if invalid.
7. Based on the inputs and the plan of the subscriber, the system shall retrieve information for the participating service providers that are located within the designated search area.
8. System shall display a map including visual markers to indicate locations of the service providers in the top half of the device screen and a list of the same service providers in the bottom half of the device screen.
9. The list of service providers shall include the Name, Phone Number and Street Address.
10. If the subscriber specified the radius or retained the default postal code for the search area, the list shall additionally include the approximate driving distance in miles from the subscriber's last registered location and the list shall be sorted in the ascending order of the driving distance.
11. The subscriber shall be able to select a service provider either from the list or from the map and download a document that contains the name, contact telephone, email address, fax number and the fee schedule for the covered services applicable to the subscriber's plan.
Which primary subscriber business need is addressed with the enhancements?
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